Total VE Solutions 

Total VE Solutions offers a plethora of Management Development Programs conducted by Mr. Alok Ghosal, Certified Value Specialist - Life

What - Programs from Theory to Implementation

- Value Engineering - Leading to Certification

- Total Quality Management(TQM)

- Quality Management System(QMS) ISO 9000-2008 

- Malcolm Baldrige Model and TBEM

- Six Sigma

- Theory of Constraints(TOC) and Goldratt Principle

- Methods Improvement and Bench Marking

- TPM - Total Productive Maintenance

- Daily Management using Deming Principle

- 5S and Visual Workplace Management

- Life Cycle Costing

- Problem Solving through 7 QC Tools

- Creativity and Innovation

- 6-Hats of Creative Thinking 

- Quality Circle

- Innovation through TRIZ

- Time Management  

- Decision Making

- Team Building

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Senior and Middle-level Managers from industries like

- Manufacturing

- Construction 

- Services

- Mining

- Information Technology

- Real Estate

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These courses are designed to improve judgment to separate symptoms from problems. The participants will imbibe Problem Solving Skills at a root cause level. They will gain the ability to capture and convert problems to opportunities.  These courses are conducted in a manner that boosts Creativity and Innovation of the participants. All these will lead to optimal value generation through Plant, Machinery and People. 

The seminars are very interactive and supplemented with abundant practical exercises and case studies from various industries in India and from abroad.

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We take the programs to the door-steps of the organizations and to the their shop-floors.


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The courses and programs are conducted as convenient to the organizations.


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Organizations and participants will benefit from

- Lowered Operation & Maintenance costs

- Improved resource efficiency

- Increased procurement efficiency

- Inspired and motivated staff

- Improved quality management

- Simplified procedures and minimized paper work

- Optimized construction expenditure

- Greater competitiveness with improved margins

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© Total VE Solutions, 2012
Alok Ghosal, CVS
Ph: +91-9234554278, +91-657-2302377